Monthly Archives: May 2022

Swindon Panel AGM

The ninth SPS AGM will be on 28 May 2022, held online via Teams, at 2pm.

All members are invited to attend, please email for the meeting link. Non-members are welcome to attend if they wish, but may not cast votes.

As always, the agenda will be…
– Welcome from the Chairman
– Adoption of minutes from 2021
– Finance report (Brian)
– Membership report (Peter)
– Plans ahead report (Danny)
– Re-election of trustees
– Q&A

This year is Brian Davis and Jamie Brooker’s turn to retire, having completed their two-year term since the three-year retiring system was introduced in 2020. We are pleased to say that both offer themselves for re-election and the trustees recommend both of them to receive your support.

Items raised by members in the Q&A section will be considered “formal” but, as always, there will be the opportunity for informal discussion and questions after the meeting if anyone wishes to raise or discuss anything informally.