Monthly Archives: October 2020

Signal Garden Equipment Appeal

Swindon Panel is building a ‘signal garden’, to extend the scope of its educational offering from just the panel control console to a fully-prototypical relay interlocking and full-size external colour light signals.

There will be four, four-aspect signals, one with junction indicators, able to demonstrate a variety of junction aspect sequences and controls.

The signal garden will be controllable – by visitors of all ages – from a small panel in The Signalling Centre. It will also be used for more interested technical explanations and also professional engineering visitors that make use of Swindon Panel as a training facility.

We have been able to buy some of the equipment, and have kindly been donated some items, but there still some things on our ‘need’ list, some of which are common items and some are quite rare.

PO Sets
15 x Type A [Now obtained, thanks to the Beer Heights Light Railway, Pecorama, Devon]
2 x Type B
1 x Type D

930 series Relays
5 x PC 004 – 8F-8B Double Wound. (Could use 6F/6B or 4F/4B Double Wound).
8 x PC 071 – 4F (AC Lamp Proving Relay 0.18A).
2 x PC 070 – 2F/2B (AC Lamp Proving 1.4A)
2 x PC 063 – 8F/8B – Slow to Release
4 x PC 124 – Thermal Timer
2 x PC 569 – Lamp Proving for Fibre Optic Display Units (or could use PC941)

Transformer / Rectifiers
4 x 110/50 T/Js. (3 amp)

Track Feeds
2 x DC track feed units

Other parts
Double-door, door-side large location case [Now donated thanks to iLECSYS, thank you.]
Bus bars
Fuse holders
2BA blocks, links, nuts. [Now obtained, thank you]
Concrete cable troughing [Now obtained, thanks to the Paignton & Dartmouth Steam Railway, thank you]

If anyone has any of the above items available, or knows where they might be, we’d be very grateful to hear from you.

They will not be used in any safety-critical installation, so items that are in a condition not suitable for main-line use (but still in working) are welcome.

Thank you very much.